
Christmas colouring in competition

North West Telegraph

Get creative kids and you could WIN an awesome Christmas prize pack. It’s easy to do, just colour in Santa, take a photo and email it through to us.

3 categories available: Up to 6 years old, 7-8 years old, 9-11 Years old

IT’S EASY TO ENTER — Just download the below image, colour it in, take a photo and send it off to us at ads@northwesttelegraph.com.au.

Entries close 10am Friday, December 11 and winners announced Monday, December 14.

Proudly sponsored by the Port Hedland International Airport and the North West Telegraph.

“Christmas Colouring in Competition” promotion

Terms and Conditions

By entering the “Christmas Colouring in Competition” promotion, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:


1.1 Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry.

1.2 To the extent of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and any other reference to this competition, these Terms and Conditions prevail.


2.1 Subject to clause 2.2, entry is open to residents of the Pilbara region up to the age of 11 (Primary school age children).

2.2 Employees (and their immediate families) of Seven Network (Operations) Limited, West Australian Newspapers, prize suppliers and their respective associated agencies and companies are not eligible to enter. Immediate family includes spouse, defacto spouse, parent, natural or adopted child or sibling living under the same roof.

2.3 All entrants under the age of 18 must obtain the prior permission of their legal parent or guardian over the age of 18 to enter. The parent or guardian of the entrant must read and consent to all Terms and Conditions. The parent or guardian may be called to verify consent and may be required to sign a release at the discretion of the Promoter. The release will require the winner’s parent or guardian to accept responsibility for the acts and forbearances of the winner. The release will include the full name, address and telephone number of the winner’s legal guardian. Failure to provide such proof, particulars or releases will immediately invalidate the winner’s entitlement to the prize, subject to State and Territory legislation.


3.1 The Competition commences on Tuesday December 1 2020, 7:30pm AWST and concludes on Friday December 10 2020,10am.

3.2 In order to enter the draw, readers must: Colour in the flying father Christmas found in either the hard copy or downloaded from the digital edition of the North West Telegraph Wednesday December 2 and 9, 2020 fill in the required entry details and then email the photograph of the colouring in and entry details to ads@northwesttelegraph.com.au. Some entries may be loaded to facebook. No children’s details will be accessible.

3.3 There is no limit to the number of entries by a single person.

3.4 Entries must be received by the Competition close date and time.

3.5 Neither the Promoters nor any prize suppliers are responsible for any data or other information related to this competition that may be lost, damaged as a result of any computer software or hardware malfunction. Any issues occurring as a result of computer / server/ software problems will be rectified as quickly as possible.

3.6 If any entries are deemed at the Promoter’s final discretion to be made via “scripting”, those entries will be deemed invalid and will not be accepted.

3.7 Entries must include all requested contact details to be eligible to win. Entrants may only enter in their own name. Inaudible, incomprehensible, illegible, and incomplete entries will be deemed invalid. All entries become the property of the Promoter and cannot be returned.

4. PRIZES4.1 There will be 3 prize winners who will each receive a prize package.

4.2 The winner will be drawn by a representative of the Port Hedland International Airport organisation.

4.3 The total prize pool value is (up to) AUD$300. Prize value is correct as at the date of printing. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for the change in prize value between now and the ultimate date on which the prize is taken.

4.4 Prize will be delivered to the winner before Wednesday December 16, 2020.

4.5 In the event that an element the prize outlined in Clause 4.2, above is, for any reason, cancelled, postponed or not available, that element(s) of the prize will be considered as forfeited and no cash alternative offer will be granted in lieu of the part of the prize. If the Winner forfeits a specified element, no cash alternative offer will be granted in lieu of the part of the Prize.

4.6 The Prize winners and their nominated companions must participate in and co-operate with all reasonable media editorial requests, including but not limited to, being interviewed and photographed, and the Winners grant the Promoters and prize suppliers a perpetual and non-exclusive licence to use such footage and photographs in all media worldwide and the Winners will not be entitled to any fee for such use.

4.7 The prize winner and their nominated companions agree they will not sell or otherwise provide their story and/or photographs to any media or other organisation.

4.8 It is a condition of accepting the Prize that the prize winner and their nominated companions must comply with all the conditions of use of the Prize and the Promoter’s requirements.

4.9 The prize winners must provide valid identification to the Promoter upon the Promoters request. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the prize at the Promoter’s sole discretion.

5. HOW TO WIN5.1 There will be 3 prize winners judged from all valid entries. Categories up to 6 years old, 7-8 years old and 9-11 years old. A valid entry consists of the completion of the registration form in the North West Telegraph. The judging will take place Friday December 10 at 3pm at the offices of the Port Hedland International Airport.

5.2 A member of the Seven West Media (WA) North West Telegraph will contact the prize winner by a phone call within two business days of the draw and a letter advising the prize winner of their prize will also be emailed to the email address on the entry. The winner’s entry details will be published in the North West Telegraph Wednesday December 16, 2020.

5.3 The Promoter’s decision is final and the Promoter will not enter into correspondence regarding the result.

5.4 The Promoter may in its absolute discretion deem entries invalid subsequently to a prize winner being notified or a prize winner’s name being announced if it is discovered that the prize winner did not enter the Competition in accordance with these terms and conditions. In these circumstances, an additional draw will be conducted.

5.5 It is a condition of accepting the prize that the prize winner (and any companions) may be required to sign a legal release in a form determined by the Promoter in its absolute discretion.

5.6 In the event the winner/s cannot be contacted via the phone and email details provided on the entry by Monday December 21, 2020 the prize pack will be forfeited.


6.1 In the case of the intervention of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders the Promoter’s ability to proceed with the Competition on the dates and in the manner described in these terms and conditions, including but not limited to vandalism, power failures, tempests, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, the Promoter may in its absolute discretion cancel the Competition and recommence it from the start on the same conditions, subject to state government legislation.

6.2 West Australian Newspapers Ltd., Prize suppliers and their associated agencies and companies will take no responsibility for prizes damaged or lost in transit, or late, lost or misdirected mail.

6.3 West Australian Newspapers Ltd, Prize suppliers and their associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any misadventure, accident, injury, loss (including but not limited to consequential loss) or claim that may occur:

a) during the entry process or the draw;

b) in the participation, acceptance or use of any element(s) of the prize;

c) as a consequence of late, lost or misdirected mail;

d) due to the broadcast of any program relating to the Competition or the publication of any material, including any statements made by any compere, staff member, journalist, other entrants or any other person;

e) in relation to failure of an SMS entry message to be received by the Promoter on account of technical problems or traffic congestion; or

f) arising from or related to any problem or technical malfunction of any telephone network, internet connection, perthnow.com.au website outage or lines or mobile communications network related to or resulting from participation in this promotion.

6.4 West Australian Newspapers Ltd, Prize suppliers, associated agencies and companies assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of entries, and reserves the right to take any action that may be available, subject to state government legislation.

6.5 If for any reason the Competition is not capable of running as planned, due to causes including but not limited to tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other causes beyond the control of the Promoter and/ or Prize provider which corrupt or affect the administration security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Competition, the Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, take any action that may be available, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Competition, subject to state government legislation.

6.6 Regardless of anything else in these conditions, nothing in these conditions excludes, restricts or modifies the application of Consumer Laws or the exercise of any rights or remedies you may have under Consumer Laws where any such exclusion, restriction or modification would contravene Consumer Laws. “Consumer Laws” refers to the Australian Consumer Law under Schedule 2 of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth), and any applicable similar consumer protection laws in the states and territories of Australia that mirror the provisions of the Australian Consumer Law.


7.1 The Promoter is West Australian Newspapers Ltd (ABN 98 008 667 632) of 50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.

7.2 All entries and any copyright subsisting in the entries become and remain the property of the Promoter who may publish or cause to be published any of the entries received. Entry details remain the property of the Promoter. Western Australian Newspapers Limited and its related entities (“WAN”) is collecting your personal information for the purpose of conducting and promoting this Competition, including for the purpose of identifying and notifying winners and understanding our audiences. WAN will otherwise handle your personal information in accordance with WAN’s Privacy Policy which is available on our website at http://www.sevenwestmedia.com.au/privacy-policies (and which contains information regarding how you can access your personal information, correct it and/ or make a complaint about our handling of your personal information). By providing your personal information below, you agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy. Without limiting the foregoing, WAN may disclose the entrant’s personal information to its related entities, business partners and external service providers for research and profiling purposes as well as other purposes reasonably related to the entrant’s relationship with WAN. In addition, by entering this competition, you consent to WAN using your personal information for the purpose of WAN and its related entities sending you information regarding programs, products and services available through them and/ or through their business partners, and to WAN from time to time sharing your personal information with carefully selected business partners for the purpose of them sending you such information directly. We will always provide you with the ability to opt out of those communications. www.sevenwestmedia.com.au.

7.3 If an Entrant does not want their details to be used for the purposes stated in clause 7.2. they must write to West Australian Newspapers Ltd by email to privacy@wanews.com.au or post to Privacy Officer, GPO Box D162, Perth WA 6840 and West Australian Newspapers Limited will ensure that the details are not used for that purpose.

7.4 It is a condition of entry that all prize winners agree to have their name, photo, video and suburb published for publicity purposes if required. By participating in this competition, participants signify their acceptance of all conditions and the requirement to participate in promotional activity if required.

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