
Hopes cashless card may come to Hedland

Taylar AmoniniNorth West Telegraph

Hopes for a cashless welfare card trial in Port Hedland have been renewed after last nights Budget announcement.

Two new communities are set to host trials of the Federal Government’s cashless welfare card after Budget papers confirmed an expansion of the program, however the locations are yet to be revealed until September 1.

Town of Port Hedland Mayor Camilo Blanco said after seeing the programs success in Cendua and East Kimberley he is hopeful that Port Hedland will be one of the chosen sites.

“Cashless welfare is a Federal program and it will be up to the Government which towns will be the new trial sites,” he said.

“I know that a number of other towns have been lobbying for the introduction of the card in their areas and Port Hedland put forward a very strong case and had a good hearing from the Minister.”

Earlier this year Mr Blanco travelled to Canberra to meet with ministers at the invitation of Member for Durack Melissa Price, to discuss a potential trial.

“The Town can't fight this fight alone - we need support from the State, Federal Government and the community.”

For more details on how the Budget will affect the Pilbara, pick up the North West Telegraph next week.

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