What’s On

This Week
Wednesday, June 28
Stars Under the Stars: Anchorman, The Esplanade Hotel, Port Hedland, 7.30pm. Visit theesplanadeporthedland.com.au.
Thursday, June 29
NAIDOC Week Opening Ceremony, Shire of East Pilbara, Newman, 10-11am, free. Visit eastpilbara.wa.gov.au.
Friday, June 30
John Wick: Chapter 2 (MA15+), Matt Dann Theatre and Cinema, 7.30pm, tickets $13-$19. Visit mattdann.com.
Saturday July 1
Marble Bar Races, Marble Bar Race Course, 11am. Visit marblebarraces.com.
The Grays Live at the Walky, Walkabout Hotel, 8pm, free. Visit facebook.com/walkabouthotel.
Sunday, July 2
Marble Bar Races Sunday Fun Day, Marble Bar Race Course, 11am. Visit marblebarraces.com.
Wednesday, July 5
Hedland Well Women’s Centre monthly morning tea, Hedland Well Women’s Centre, 10am-noon, free. Visit wellwomens.com.au.
Stars Under the Stars: Tropic Thunder, The Esplanade Hotel, Port Hedland, 7.30pm. Visit theesplanadeporthedland.com.au.
Next Week
Thursday, July 6
Carers Morning Tea, Fortescue Golf Club, Newman, 10-11am. Contact 9175 0015 or newman @empoweringpeople.org.au.
Pyjama Story Time, South Hedland Library, 5-5.30pm, free. Contact 9158 9373.
Saturday, July 8
Small Town Live at the Walky, The Walkabout Hotel, Port Hedland, 8pm, free. Visit facebook.com/walkabouthotel
Wednesday, July 12
Children’s Book Illustration Workshop, Hedland Arts Council studio, 6-9pm, free. Visit hartz.org.au.
Coming Up
Thursday, July 13
Pyjama Story Time, Port Hedland Library, 5pm-5:30pm, free. Contact 9158 9373.
Friday, July 14
Akmal: Transparent, Matt Dann Theatre and Cinema, 7pm, tickets $42.90-$46.90. Visit mattdann.com.
Saturday, July 15
NAIDOC Week Community Concert, Capricorn Oval, Newman, 1pm-6:30pm, free. Visit eastpilbarawa.gov.au.
Sunday, July 16
Life Drawing with Colin Montefiore, Hedland Arts Studio, 10am-3pm, $100-$120 a person. Visit hartz.org.au.
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