
Turnbull’s a turncoat

North West Telegraph

I’m sick of hearing about US President Trump every day — as far as I’m concerned he can come over to Australia and run this country the way he’s running the United States.

Why can’t Australia start talking about what’s happening in the country in Canberra and all the negative people coming out of the political arena. All the electricity that’s pushing up our people’s costs, and the insurance costs, all those negative things should be talked about instead of Trump all the time.

Every day Trump this, Trump that, as far I’m concern he’s doing a fantastic job over there as far as I can see. What he’s doing there, Australia needs to do here.

Malcolm Turnbull needs to start looking around and doing things to please the people here. They’re supposed to be looking after the people, but are they doing that? No.

There’s people out on the sidewalk, veterans sleeping on the streets. Who’s looking after them? They put their lives at risk for our freedom and what do we do? Nothing!

I’m just fed up with the Federal Government as it is now.

Turnbull needs to be known as turncoat not Turnbull. He’s a bully, could do much better.

He doesn’t listen to the people of Australia, he’s about doing what he can for himself and his politicians. That’s what I can see.

Joan Lever, Marble Bar

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